The govt-issued new vintage vehicle rules directives for vintage vehicles in the country in a draught notice dated July 15. In November last year, the center announced new registration rules and formats for vintage and classic automobiles older than 50 years. This notification is in keeping with
- A new registration format is possible for Vintage vehicles
- The issuance of a new vintage vehicle registration certificate will costs Rs 20,000, and it is costing Rs 5,000 to reregister or renew it
- Regular and commercial use of vintage vehicles
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New rules in India for vintage cars
A two-wheeler or four-wheeler is defined as a vintage vehicle at least 50 years older than the first date of its original registration according to the draught.
The notice states that, if the vehicle is already registered in India, the owner must produce a valid insurance policy, a registration letter if the car is imported and an old registration certificate if the vehicle is already registered, for the registrations or reregistrations of vintage vehicles. In addition, new registration formats for vintage vehicles will be issued. The new format will take the form of ‘XX VA YY***’ where XX is the state code, VA is for a vintage vehicle, YY will be a two-letter series, and *** is a four-digit number from the 0001 to the 9999 state registration.
The draught entry costs the owner Rs 20,000 and is in force for 10 years for the issuance of a new certificate for a vintage vehicle. Then the owner will have an additional Rs 5,000 for renewals of the registration, which will remain in effect for five years.
New legislation has also been outlined on the sale of vintage vehicles. The law states that, provided that the buyer and seller inform their respective authorities of state transport within 90 days of sale or acquisition, the seller or the buyer shall be allowed to sell or purchase those cars.
The new draught also provides that vintage vehicles cannot be used as other vehicles on a regular basis, nor can the owners use them for commercial purposes. The draught does not, however, specify the terms for “regular” use of these vehicles. We think this is fair because a traditional car owner is very unlikely to use his cars on a regular basis. We think this is fair. These cars are nearly always used sparingly since they are mainly purchased and kept as a hobby or as a hobby.
Following the November 2020 draught notice, several clubs and collectors submitted requests to the government to relieve vintage vehicles.

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The new communication is therefore an important relief to vintage vehicle owners and clubs in the country, since the restricted use, which was indicated in the last communication, in conjunction with the scrapping policy was a cause for concern in the past. The government however made it clear in February that the waste disposal system was voluntary, which greatly alleviated the concerns of vintage and traditional car owners.
Finally, for classic vehicles or modern classics less than 50 years old, there are no guidelines mentioned in this notification. However, given the voluntary scrapping policy, we believe that there is no reason to worry about conventional vehicle collectors and that prospective buyers should not be disinclined.