How are world-famous 17 car brand names getting their brand names curious? It’s your happy day today.
Were you aware that Aston Martin comes from the Aston Hill the founder lived there?
It is interesting to know the roots of 17 car brand names and to understand why they have assigned the specific name. The list of automotive brands and their roots provides an in-depth view of these companies’ culture and history.
1. Aston Martin

The name Aston Martin comes in part from the name of Lionel Martin, the founder of his company, and partly from a stretch of road named Aston Hillclimb in Hertfordshire, England.
World War 1 stopped shortly and subsequently Aston Martin manufactured cars for the race track, with an emphasis on speed and luxury. The construction of competition cars, however, turned out to be a financial burden and Aston Martin changed hands many times before the Second World War. In 1947, the company was bought by tractor maker David Brown, and Brown’s own products included his first models.
2. Audi

In 1899 August Horch, a German engineer formed the company August Horch & Cie. In 1909 Horch left the business and founded a new company, August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH, due to misunderstandings between its partners.
But what should the new business be called? Horch (which means “listen”) was kept in the old firm and instead he preferred the Latin translation – Audi Inc. Instead
Horch made the Audi brand well-known in Europe over the course of a couple of years.
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3. BMW

BMW was founded in 1912 through the fusion of three German companies.
The BMW acronym is for Bayerische Motoreneinheiten Werke GmnH, roughly a Bavarian Engine Works Company translation. The name is derived from the root of the business in the German Bavarian State. It also shows the original BMW motor range for different purposes.
4. Cadillac

Cadillac had been named of Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac, a great French explorer and in 1701, he founded Detroit in Michigan.
One of America’s first automotive brands is Cadillac. It’s well-known for producing luxury cars, which was established in 1902. However, in 1909, General Motors took over the company.
5. Chevrolet

In Detroit, Chevrolet was also known as the Chevrolet Motor Company, founded in 1911 by Louis Chevrolet and William C Durant. The Swiss race car driver and engineer Louis Chevrolet was a car engineer. Some people speculated that the name sounded foreign and exotic when the company was formed and added some charm and flair to the brand. However, Chevrolet became part of General Motors just seven years after its foundation.
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6. Datsun

Datsun is a Japanese firm engaged in small and cost-effective vehicle manufacture.
The business started in 1911 under M. Hashimoto’s Kwaishinsha Jidosha Kojo. His dream was to make Japanese-friendly vehicles. In the first few letters, he wrote a two-cylinder ten-horsepowered short engine which he called DAT in 1914 and was named after his three investors K. Den, R. Aoyama and M. Takeuchi.
Kwaishinsha subsequently merged to form Dat Jidosha Seizo Co., Ltd. Jitsuyo Jidosha Co. In 1931, as in the “Son of DAT,” the company produced a new passenger car that was compacter than DAT, so called Datson. Unfortunately the word ‘son’ in Japanese means ‘loss’ and has therefore been changed to ‘sun’ which has more positive associations.
7. Ferrari

A luxury car brand called Ferrari is named after the official Alto driver, the Italian founder Enzo Ferrari. He left the race to establish his own business in 1939. He has designed an 8-cylinder 815 spider 1500 cm3 within a year and won his first Grand Prix in 1947. In Italian it comes from the word “ferrari,” meaning blacksmith. In Italian it means ferrari.
Subsequently Ford acquired many brands, including Volvo, Troller and FPV.
8. Honda

Honda was named after its creator, Soichiro Honda, as you probably guessed from the name. In 1937 the manufacturing company Tōkai Seiki was initially founded by Honda, who made Toyota piston rings. The plants of the business were damaged in an earthquake and bombing raid during the Second World War.
Honda sold to Toyota what remained of the business and used the money to set up the Honda Institute of Technical Research.
9. Mercedes

Mercedes-Benz has its roots in the manufacturing of Karl-Benz, who designed the first in-house combustion engine used in an automobile in 1886, the Benz Patent motor car. Mercedes was a DMG brand that in 1902 recorded the name. It was first used on the car model constructed in 1900 by Wilhelm Maybach. The model included a newly-developed motor called the “Daimler-Mercedes.”
In the course of the merger between Benz & Cie and Daimler-Benz AG in 1926 also the term Mercedes was added to another DMG car – Mercedes-Benz. The last name of Karl Benz has been kept in the new brand but DMG cannot use its creator Daimler’s name in the new name for legal reasons and instead decides to use the name of their most famous model.
10. Porsche

It is named after Ferdinand Porsche, its founder and founder who founded the firm in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1931. The largest shareholder of the Volkswagen family is Porsche today.
11. Rolls-Royce

The carmaker Henry Royce designed his first motor car in 1904, and met Charles Rolls in May of that year. There was consensus on the production of a series of vehicles to only be marketed through CS Rolls & Company by Royce Limited – the couple also decided that the cars would be known as Rolls-Royce.
12. Toyota

Toyota Motor Company was founded by the Toyoda family in 1937. In Japanese, ten strokes are used to write the word “Toyota,” while eight are used for the word “Toyota.” As a fortunate number in Japanese culture eight were deemed to be a “Toyota” company name.
13. Volkswagen

On 28 May 1937 a state-owned automotive company, initially named “Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung der Deutschen Volkswagen mbH,” joined the German government, which was subsequently under Adolf Hitler’s influence (Company for the Manufacture of the German Peoples Car). It was simply renamed “VW” or “The People’s Car Company” later that year.
14. Fiat

The Fiat brand has a tale of origin that some readers may find unforeseen. Giovanni Agnelli, an Italian businessman who belonged to an Investor Group who was looking to start an automotive company, founded FIAT in 1899. The Fiat name is the acronym originally referred to as Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, loosely referred to as the “Turinian Italian car manufacturer,” the city where the company is situated.
The name was also possibly chosen because fiat means “let there be” in Latin, which is a fitting sentiment for a car manufacturing company.
15. Mitsubishi

In 1917 Mitsubishi began officially with the manufacture of its passenger car Model A.
The name “Mitsubishi” refers to the 3-diamond logo of the company. The word “mitsu,” which means “three” and “hishi,” is a mixture of Japanese, means “water chestnut.” In Japan the term Mitsubishi is often used to describe a rhombus or diamant. As the sound “h” in Japanese sometimes turns into a son of “b,” the mixture of mitsu and hishi is pronounced like Mitsubishi when it occurs in the middle of a letter.
The logo was selected by the company’s founder, Yataro Iwasaki in the form of three diamonds, or Mitsubishi. The logo is inspired by the three-leaf crest of Yataro’s first employer, the Tosa Clan, as well as the three stacked rhombuses of the Iwasaki family crest.
16. Nissan

In 1928, the holding company Nihon Sangyo or Nihon Industries was established by Yoshisuke Aikawa. The name ‘Nissan’ was used in the 1930s on Nihon Sangyo’s Tokyo bourse. Tobata Casting and Hitachi were among the companies. Aikawa became an automotive company in 1933, and the next year he became a new subsidiary in the car division, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
17. Ford

In 1903, in Michigan, in Detroit, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motors Company.
Ford quit the Cadillac Corporation and began his own automotive business with an investment of $28,000.
By creating mobile assembly lines he mastered mass manufacturing of vehicles. This gave him the opportunity to cut costs and give the American middle class an affordable vehicle. Model T sold over more than millions in the next 20 years in its renowned 1908 mass production vehicle.
Ford subsequently purchased several products, including the Volvo, Troller and FPV brands